All Payer Claims Database
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Public Use File Working Group
In 2015, the Minnesota Legislature directed the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) to develop a set of Public Use Files (PUFs) containing summary information from the Minnesota All Payer Claims Database (MN APCD). The purpose of the PUFs is to make MN APCD data more widely available for research and care improvement initiatives, while maintaining safeguards to protect sensitive information. MDH was charged with consulting the MN APCD workgroup formed in 2014 on technical issues related to the development of these summary files or data tables.
MN APCD Workgroup Charge (PDF)
Development of PUFs from the MN APCD Fact Sheet (PDF)
We want your feedback
We encourage our users to send us comments, questions and ideas for improving the PUFs or suggestions for new PUFs. To offer feedback about the PUFs, MN APCD, or the workgroup, please email