Minnesota Lodging Sex Trafficking and Response Training
Hotels, motels, and short-term rentals are common places for sex trafficking to happen. By learning the signs of sex trafficking, and how to respond, hotel, motel, and short-term rental staff can help prevent sex trafficking and save lives.
Hotels, motels, and short-term rentals are key players in addressing sex trafficking in all Minnesota communities. Together, we can work to prevent sex trafficking.
*Please note that this training is for the lodging industry. If you are not in the lodging industry but are interested in this training please email: health.safeharbor@state.mn.us.
Training requirements
This training is required under Minnesota law.
To comply with the law:
- All owners, managers, and on-site employees must complete the required training. There are few exceptions on who must take the training – see the statute for exemption details.
- New employees must take this training within 90 days of hire.
- All required staff must retake this training every year.
- Display the required back of house poster. Place the poster in a location all staff will see it.
- Conduct an ongoing awareness campaign for employees.
*Most of the training package is required for all hotels, motels, and short-term rentals in Minnesota. There are very few exceptions for only parts of the package. Please see Instructions within Managers/Owners Training Toolkit to see if an exception applies to you.
About this training
The training will take 45 to 50 minutes to complete. It may take longer for viewing the translated versions.
The Minnesota Lodging Sex Trafficking Prevention and Response Training Package includes:
- A virtual presentation – a video with guided exercises
- Training Companion Guide (PDF) – as a resource for viewing the virtual presentation
- Manager & Owner Training Toolkit (PDF) to complying with the law
- Poster set
- Back of House (required to display)
- Housekeeping
- Restaurant/Bar
- Front desk/lobby
- Security
This training was developed by Minnesota Department of Health in partnership with Hospitality Minnesota.
Access to the training
Managers and owners
Access the training through the MDH Learning Center. Managers and Owners will be asked to complete a brief pre-training survey before accessing the training package.
Employee training
Access the employee training in the language of your choice.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: I already took training on sex trafficking. Do I still need to take this training?
A: Yes. You still need to complete the Minnesota Lodging Sex Trafficking Prevention and Response Training. This training has been specially developed to address sex trafficking within Minnesota and meets the requirements of the Sex Trafficking Prevention Training legislation.
Q: Are resorts, bed and breakfasts, vacation shares, short-term rentals required to provide the training?
A: Only if they hold a hotel license.
Q: Does the law apply to tribal nations?
A: No; however, MDH encourages tribal nations to provide the training and use the MDH materials. Many tribal hotels use this training to train their staff.
Q: Are any employees exempt under the law from the training?
A: Yes, exempt employees include:
- Employees under 16 unless they clean rooms
- Employees who work exclusively in a restaurant, providing catering services, or both
- No direct contact with guests or guest rooms
However, MDH encourages training for all employees.
Q: What if I'm still not sure if I hold the correct license?
A: Contact the Food, Pool, and Lodging section at MDH: health.foodlodging@state.mn.us or 651-201-4500.
Q: Does MDH charge a fee for the mandatory training package?
A: No.
Q: Does MDH assist with any costs of compliance with the law?
A: Aside from providing the free training package, MDH does not provide assistance such as with printing posters. The law states that licensees are required to pay the costs of compliance.
Q: Are the training materials available in other languages?
A: The Minnesota Lodging Training Package will be offered in Spanish, Hmong, and Somali in addition to English starting late fall 2023/early 2024. If you have a need for materials in other languages, please send an email to: health.safeharbor@state.mn.us.
Q: Do managers/owners and employees have to take the training every year?
A: Yes. It is an annual requirement tied to licensure. Updates made to the package will be provided by November 1 of each year.
Q: Can we replace the MDH training with our own training materials?
A: No, it can't be replaced. In limited situations, a part may be replaced, but only with prior review and approval by MDH. MDH will provide an approval letter. However, the Minnesota-specific aspects of the MDH training must be delivered to employees.
Q: If a hotel, motel or short-term rental owner, operator or manager does not have contact with guests, are they required to take the training?
A: Yes, they are still required to take the training. The exemptions in the laws for employees who do not have contact with guests do not apply to owners, operators and managers.
Q: Does the law exempt seasonal employees?
A: The law does not explicitly exempt seasonal employees, so if the licensed facility is covered the employees must receive the training. Seasonal employees should be trained within 90 days of when they start working.
Q: If an employee is temporary and only employed for two months, do they still need to complete the training, since their employment is less than 90 days?
A: Technically, no, but MDH encourages the training of all employees, particularly since other staff who are employed on a more permanent basis will need to be trained anyway.
Q: Are contracted workers, i.e., contracted cleaners, subject to the training?
A: Yes, they are still required to take the training.
Q: Are whole house vacation rental properties subject to compliance with the statute?
A: Yes. MDH licenses whole home vacation rentals as hotels/motels in most cases, subjecting them to following the statute.
Q: Once training of employees is completed, what is the next step?
A: Fill out a roster of names for all employees who completed the training, along with the date of completion. Simply keep this roster on file for your next inspection. You do not need to send the roster to MDH to check compliance.
Contact us at health.safeharbor@state.mn.us with any questions.