Minnesota Student Survey
Surveys & Surveillance Data
Center for Health Statistics
Minnesota Student Survey Data
The Minnesota Student Survey (MSS) is administered every three years to students in regular public elementary and secondary schools, charter schools, and tribal schools in fifth, eighth, ninth, and 11th grades. It includes questions about a wide variety of youth behaviors, including risk behaviors such as alcohol, tobacco and other drug use, violence and sexual activity, as well as positive behaviors and connection to family, school and community.
MDH works in partnership to analyze Minnesota Student Survey data, alongside the Minnesota Departments of Education, Corrections, Human Services, and Public Safety.
- Reports about the Minnesota Student Survey: View special reports created by MDH staff, about Minnesota Student Survey data.
- Tables with Minnesota Student Survey data: View tables by educational setting, racial/ethnic group, sexual orientation, geography, trends over time, and highlighted data on mental health and equity.
- Data analysis and communications support: The Minnesota Student Survey Data Users Group (MSS DUG) is a collaborative effort intended to bring Minnesota state agencies, local public health, university partners, and non-profits together to learn how researchers within these groups use the MSS data in their work, communicate about the role and value of the MSS, and to learn from each other. To join the MSS DUG, contact the MDH Center for Health Statistics.
- Request data: To request Minnesota Student Survey data and complete a user agreement, visit: Minnesota Department of Education: Minnesota Student Survey.
- Learn more: To learn more about the survey itself, visit: Minnesota Student Survey.

About the Minnesota Student Survey
Since 1989, the Minnesota Student Survey (MSS) has been administered every three years to students in regular public elementary and secondary schools, charter schools, and tribal schools in fifth, eighth, ninth, and 11th grades. All public school districts in Minnesota are invited to participate in the survey.
- The Minnesota Student Survey is confidential. The Minnesota Student Survey is completely anonymous and the data is confidential. Survey answers and data cannot be traced back to individual students or their families.
- The Minnesota Student Survey is voluntary. The Minnesota Student Survey open to everyone to participate. Districts, schools, parents, and students can opt out of any question, and students can skip any question or stop at any point.
- The Minnesota Student Survey is important. The Minnesota Student Survey shares insight into things affecting our young people since 1989. The MSS is one of the oldest student surveys in the nation. The Minnesota Student Survey includes questions about a wide variety of youth behaviors, including risk behaviors such as alcohol, tobacco and other drug use, violence and sexual activity, as well as positive behaviors and connection to family, school and community. Questions about some of these topics are only asked of 9th and 11th grade students.
- The Minnesota Student Survey is local. County and regional prevention teams, community leaders, and school districts use Minnesota Student Survey data to put resources where they're needed most, and build effective programs to help local youth.
- Most districts participate in the Minnesota Student Survey. In 2022, 70% of Minnesota's school districts participated in the Minnesota Student Survey. Most districts had all designated grades participate.
Learn more: To learn more about the survey, visit: Minnesota Student Survey.