Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS)
About Us
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The best source of data for mothers and babies.

PRAMS survey responses supplement data from birth certificates and are used to help plan and assess maternal and child health programs on a state level. Because PRAMS data are population–based, findings from data analyses can be generalized to the entire state´s population of women who gave birth.
Requesting data
Analysis requests
To request analysis of Minnesota PRAMS data, submit a PRAMS data request form (PDF).
Use the PRAMS survey topic map (xlsx) to easily identify survey questions for a particular topic and determine which survey year(s) those questions were asked.
Dataset requests
To request a MN PRAMS dataset for your own analysis using appropriate statistical software, please review the PRAMS resource sharing plan (PDF) and follow the directions included to submit an application.
Visit CDC’s website for more detailed information about submitting proposals for studies involving multiple states.
Minnesota data sharing agreement (PDF) for external researchers.
National data
See how Minnesota data compares to other states: selected PRAMS indicators from 2016-2021.