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Minnesota Statewide Trauma System Educational Resources Trauma Registry
The Minnesota trauma registry, MNTrauma, is a web-based, encrypted data collection tool used by designated trauma hospitals to report trauma data to MDH.
Trauma Registry Inclusion Criteria (PDF) Rev. Aug 2022
Trauma Registry Data Set (PDF)
Request to Grant System Access to an Individual (MS Word)
Request to Grant Access to Another Hospital's Individual Staff Member (MS Word)
Request to Grant Access to Another Hospital's Entire Registrar Staff (MS Word)
Data Dictionaries
2024 MNTrauma Data Dictionary (PDF)
2023 MNTrauma Data Dictionary (PDF)
2022 MNTrauma Data Dictionary (PDF)
Traumatic Brain Injury & Spinal Cord Injury Registry
MNTrauma is also the data system for the Minnesota traumatic brain injury (TBI) and spinal cord injury (SCI) registries. Minnesota hospitals are required to report certain TBI and SCI cases to MDH (Minn. R. 4643.0030, subp. 1). The TBI and SCI registries are administered by the MDH Injury and Violence Prevention Section and the data is reported through MNTrauma. Since many TBI and SCI cases also meet trauma registry reporting requirements, reporting all three types of cases (TBI, SCI, trauma) through MNTrauma offers the benefit of submitting the case only once using one data system, instead of reporting the same case up to three times through different registry systems.
Hospital medical records staff, TBI/SCI registrars and trauma registrars should coordinate their reporting so that cases that meet the TBI, SCI and/or trauma registry inclusion criteria are reported only once through MNTrauma.
TBI/SCI Inclusion Criteria (PDF)
If you have questions regarding the trauma registry, please contact the trauma system coordinator.