Contact Info
Minnesota State Office - WIC Program
800-657-3942 (toll-free)
651-201-4444 (state office)
Contact Info
Minnesota State Office - WIC Program
800-657-3942 (toll-free)
651-201-4444 (state office)
WIC Funding Overview
The current WIC and Peer Grant cycle is January 1, 2022 – December 31, 2026.
- Grant funding is awarded annually at the beginning of the federal fiscal year (FFY).
- Funding is based on a per participant rate. The current per participant rate is $20.00.
- Base funding is determined by the participation level from the previous year’s 12 closed months of July-June.
- Grantees serving less than an average of 100 participants per month during the past closed 12- month period will receive a base funding level of $20,000 instead of funding based on the per participate rate.
- In addition to base funding, $2,500 is provided annually to use for non-recurring supplemental expenses that support WIC services, such as:
- Purchase or replacement of equipment and supplies
- Travel to state-sponsored meetings and trainings (mileage, parking, etc.)
- Breast pumps and supplies
- Other necessary items (i.e., formula shipping, communication devices such as dual handset phones and audiovisual equipment)
- Other funding agencies may be eligible for include:
- Request to Increase Administrative Funds (RIAF)
- Supplemental Clinic Travel Funding (SCTF) – If you are interested in learning more about this funding, contact your State Consultant. See Section 2.2 Financial Procedures (PDF) for more information.
- Retroactive funding is not provided for exceeding estimated participation levels. Any minimal fluctuations in participation during the year will be reflected in next year’s funding.
- Local agencies do not need to submit a budget.
Monthly WIC Claim
- Local agencies submit a monthly WIC Claim for Reimbursement form for WIC allowed expenses. Claims are due by the 20th of the following month except for the September claim (see Fiscal Year Closeout Procedures) which is due December 20th.
- Expenses covered by the $2500 supplemental funding allowance should be itemized on the monthly claim form using one of 2 options:
- Indicate the expense on the “Other” line or
- If included within another category on the form, provide an explanation of the purchased item(s)in the “Remarks” section.
Fiscal Year Closeout Procedures and Deadlines
- The state agency will notify local agencies about fiscal year closeout procedures through the Weekly Update at the end of the fiscal year.
- The September claim form, the last claim of the fiscal year, is due by December 20th. All expenses must have been paid before this claim can be submitted for reimbursement.
Final Reimbursement
- If state WIC funds are available at the close of the federal fiscal year, the State Agency will provide a final reimbursement to Local Agencies to cover as much of their unreimbursed WIC expenses as possible.
- These final reimbursement payments are usually issued at the end of January/beginning of February.
WIC Peer Breastfeeding Program
- Peer Breastfeeding Support Programs (PBSP) supplement prenatal and postpartum breastfeeding support available for WIC participants.
- Grant applications for the peer program follow the same timeline as the WIC grant.
- Peer grant awards and funding levels may vary annually and are contingent on the USDA annual peer funding award and balancing the needs of all peer programs across the state.
- Annual budget requests are due in July. Award notifications are sent in September for grant funds beginning October 1.
- Modifications to the budget greater than 10 percent of any budget line item require prior written approval.
- Expenses charged to the peer grant cannot exceed the amount of the annual grant.
- Expenses in excess of the peer grant award may be claimed on your monthly WIC claim for reimbursement.
- MN Operations Manual (MOM), Chapter 2 Financial Management, provides information on financial procedures and policy.
- Questions? Contact these staff:
- Financial matters – your State WIC Consultant or Tamara Edmundson at
- Breast pump purchases – Rosie Pierce-Martin at
- Submitted claims – Amy Lee at
- Peer Program claims – Carrie Klun at
Last Updated: 04/18/2023