Minnesota Provider Directory Study
The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) is conducting a study to assess the feasibility of developing a statewide shared health care provider directory. Provider directories are a necessary administrative component of the health system but managing them is very time and resource intensive. Currently each health plan and health system maintain their own consumer-facing provider directory, and multiple state agencies maintain provider directories for various administrative and/or research needs.
A statewide shared health care provider directory may alleviate the burden of managing multiple registries, improve data quality, and provide “single source of truth” for consumers and other users of the information. The 2023 Minnesota legislature directed the Minnesota Commissioner of Health to conduct this study. Results will inform future planning and potential action for the legislature.
This study will identify and define the various uses of and needs for a statewide shared health care provider directory. Proposed topics include, but are not limited to:
- What do the various stakeholders need from a statewide shared health care provider directory?
- What level of interest and commitment is there for a statewide solution, and by whom?
- How should this be governed, funded, and designed for sustainability?
- What policy and/or legal considerations does this require?
This study will include outreach to a broad audience through several channels including advisory groups to provide input and expertise. Key stakeholders are expected to include health systems, health plans, state agencies, technical vendors, and industry experts. The study will also involve information gathering, to inform a framework for governance, financing, and sustainability, and assess stakeholder commitment and options to move forward.
This work will be managed by the Center for Health Information Policy and Transformation in the Health Policy Division at MDH.
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