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WIC MOM Updates
The following changes have been made to MOM in the past 6 months.
10/2024 - Exhibit 1-K: Rights and Responsibilities (Spanish)
Clarification: correction made on Spanish translation of the Exhibit 1-K: Rights & Responsibilities under Uso de la información.
9/2024 - Exhibit 1-K: Rights & Responsibilities
Clarification: updated the language in the Use of Information section to align with the Tennessen Warning.
8/2024 - Exhibit 2-C: Request to Increase Administrative Funds (RIAF)
Clarification: Directions were added about downloading the document.
6/2024 - Exhibit 5-A: Minnesota WIC Income Eligibility Guidelines
Clarification: Updated Income Eligibility Guidelines for MN Health Care Programs/Insurance Affordability Programs (Medical Assistance /Medicaid with 2024-2025 Income Eligibility Guidelines
Exhibit 5-C: Identification Requirements by WIC Contact Type
Clarification: New Exhibit created as a desk top reference to help local agencies determine acceptable forms of participant and proxy identification for each contact type (new certification, recertification, nutrition ed visit, etc.).
Section 5.2.3: Identity
Clarification: Updated policy to clarify ID requirements during the certification process. Added guidance for handling situations in which the parent/guardian or proxy lacks necessary identification. Added reference to new Exhibit 5-C. Requirements for verbal verification of identity have been strengthened. Additionally, Known to Staff and WIC Card are no longer acceptable forms of ID for an Authorized representative/proxy at any contact type.
Section 5.2.2: Residency, Section 5.2.4: Income, and Section 5.2.3: Identity
Clarification: revised definition of migrant farmworker families in waiver allowances and procedures in handling waivers.
- Section 5.2 Certification Procedures was updated with revised 5.2 sections.
Section 8.3: Issuing WIC Cards
Clarification: revised content to focus on initial MN WIC card issuance only. References to verbal verification of ID were removed from this policy. Added reference to Exhibit 5-C for acceptable forms of ID at this contact type. Clarified guidance regarding assisting participants in the Safe at Home program.
Section 8.4: Issuing Food Benefits
Clarification: emphasized the requirement to verify ID whenever issuing benefits. Removed references to verifying ID via the WIC card; the WIC card is no longer an acceptable proof of ID for mid-certifications, Nutrition Education visits, or benefit issuance. Added guidance for how to designate a proxy by phone.
Section 8.5: Replacing WIC Cards
Clarification: specified the requirement to obtain the primary card holder's signature upon issuing a WIC card. Added a reference to Exhibit 5-C for guidance on verifying ID.
4/2024 - Exhibit 5-A Minnesota WIC Income Eligibility Guidelines (PDF)
Clarification: Updated the Standard WIC income guidelines with 2024-2025 Income Eligibility Guidelines