Drinking Water Protection
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Related Sites
- 10 States Standards
- Clean Water Fund
- Health Risk Assessment – Guidance Values and Standards for Water
- Minnesota Well Index
- Water and Health
- Wells and Borings
Environmental Health Division
Surface Water Treatment for Noncommunity Public Water Systems
A noncommunity public water system provides water to the public in places other than their homes—where people work, gather and play. There are around 6,000 noncommunity systems in Minnesota. Of those, around 60 use surface water sources such as lakes and rivers. Public water systems using surface water sources must provide filtration and disinfection treatment and regularly monitor their treated water quality.
About Using Surface Water Sources for Drinking Water
- Why surface water might be used as a drinking water source instead of groundwater and common contaminants found in surface water.
Treatment Processes
- Detailed descriptions of filtration and disinfection treatment required when using surface water as a drinking water source.
Surface Water Treatment Rules
- Overview of regulatory requirements for noncommunity public water systems using surface water.
Water Quality Monitoring
- Detailed descriptions of turbidity and chlorine monitoring requirements and techniques for noncommunity public water systems using surface water sources, including handy tips and troubleshooting guides.
Last Updated: 08/08/2024