Drinking Water Protection
- Drinking Water Protection Home
- About Us
- A-Z Index of Contaminants in Water
- Community Public Water Supply
- Drinking Water Grants and Loans
- Drinking Water Institute
- Drinking Water in Schools and Child Cares
- Drinking Water Revolving Fund
- Laws and Rules
- Noncommunity Public Water Supply
- Source Water Protection
- Water Operator and Certification Training
- Drinking Water Protection Contacts
Related Topics
- Annual Reports
- Drinking Water Risk Communication Toolkit
- Fact Sheets
- Forms
- Invisible Heroes Videos: Minnesota's Drinking Water Providers
- Noncom Notes Newsletter
- Sample Collection Procedures (videos, pictures, written instructions)
- Waterline Newsletter
Related Sites
- 10 States Standards
- Clean Water Fund
- Health Risk Assessment – Guidance Values and Standards for Water
- Minnesota Well Index
- Water and Health
- Wells and Borings
Environmental Health Division
Sample Collection Procedures
Instructions on how to collect water samples for different contaminants for Safe Drinking Water Act compliance at public water systems.
Written instructions
- 1, 4-Dioxane (PDF) (July 2020)
- Arsenic (PDF) (March 2021)
- Asbestos (PDF) (October 2019)
- Diquat (PDF) (April 2022)
- Disinfection Byproducts - Bromate (PDF) (February 2021)
- Disinfection Byproducts - Chlorite (for Systems using Chlorine Dioxide) (PDF) (September 2021)
- Disinfection Byproducts (PDF) (October 2023)
- EDB Ethylene Dibromide (PDF) (April 2022)
- Endothall (PDF) (August 2021)
- Fluoride (PDF) (March 2021)
- IOC Metal, Mercury, and Free Cyanide (PDF) (June 2022)
- Lead and Copper - Community Public Water Systems (PDF) (June 2024)
- Sample Collection Procedures -Lead and Copper (PDF) (August 2024)
- Lead & Copper Drinking Water Sample Sites (PDF) (August 2024)
- Water System Checklist for Lead and Copper Sampling (PDF) (June 2024)
- Lead and Copper - Noncommunity Public Water Systems (PDF) (February 2021)
- Manganese (PDF) (July 2020)
- Nitrate (PDF) (June 2024)
- Nitrite (PDF) (March 2021)
- Ortho-phosphate, Total Phosphate (PDF) (March 2021)
- Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) (PDF) (August 2024)
- PFAS Field Blanks (PDF) (June 2024)
- pH (Field) (PDF) (June 2018)
- Radium 226/228 and Gross Alpha (PDF) (March 2021)
- Silica (PDF) (March 2021)
- SOC Suite (Herbicide, BNA, Carbamate, and Glyphosate) (PDF) (January 2024)
- Sodium (PDF) (March 2021)
- Source and Water Quality Parameters (PDF) (July 2022)
- Sulfate (PDF) (April 2020)
- SUVA (UV abs., UV Absorbance @ 254 nm, and Dissolved Organic Carbon ([DOC]) (PDF) (April 2020)
- Total Alkalinity (PDF) (July 2021)
- Total Coliform (PDF) (September 2022)
- Total Organic Carbon (TOC) (PDF) (August 2024)
- Trip Blanks (PDF) (March 2021)
- Tritium (PDF) (March 2022)
- VOC (PDF) (April 2022)
- Water Stable Isotopes (PDF) (March 2022)
- Water Quality Parameters – Phosphate Inhibitor - Community (PDF)(April 2024)
- Water Quality Parameters – Phosphate Inhibitor - Noncommunity (PDF)(April 2024)
- Guidance for Successful Sample Submission (PDF)
- Sample Bottles: Visual (PDF)
- Environmental Laboratory Sampling and Analysis Guide with images of sample bottles can be found at Environmental Laboratory website.
Last Updated: 09/26/2024