Drinking Water Protection
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- Drinking Water Revolving Fund
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Related Topics
- Annual Reports
- Drinking Water Risk Communication Toolkit
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- Invisible Heroes Videos: Minnesota's Drinking Water Providers
- Noncom Notes Newsletter
- Sample Collection Procedures (videos, pictures, written instructions)
- Waterline Newsletter
Related Sites
- 10 States Standards
- Clean Water Fund
- Health Risk Assessment – Guidance Values and Standards for Water
- Minnesota Well Index
- Water and Health
- Wells and Borings
Environmental Health Division
Drinking Water Protection
Annual Reports
Annual reports about the state of drinking water
The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) has issued a report regarding the state of drinking water in Minnesota each year since 1995. These reports summarize the results of testing done the previous year, provide an overview on the role of the department’s drinking water program in monitoring and protecting drinking water, and examine emerging issues.
- Minnesota Drinking Water Annual Report for 2023 (PDF)
- Minnesota Drinking Water Annual Report for 2022 (PDF)
- Minnesota Drinking Water Annual Report for 2021 (PDF)
Archived reports are available upon request by calling 651-201-4700 or sending an email to health.drinkingwater@state.mn.us.
Individual drinking water systems provide annual reports (also called consumer confidence reports) to their citizens. Contact your local water utility to receive a copy of the latest report.
Other information about drinking water
MDH also publishes:
- Drinking Water by the Numbers (PDF) about the number of drinking water systems, wells, drinking water sources for Minnesotans, and source water protection plans. The information is provided annually for staff, state agencies, and other partners to use in communications, planning, and performance measures.
- 2020-2022 Nitrate Annual Report: Community Public Water Systems (PDF). This report includes data from water samples for nitrate collected from drinking water sources and entry points (representing finished water).
- The 2016 Environmental Health Public Drinking Water Resampling Analysis (PDF) The project was an effort to verify that public drinking water was being properly assessed to protect public health. The report documents the process including methods, analytical results, and a list of key conclusions.
Importance of drinking water information
Drinking water is by far the most precious resource we have in the world, yet it is a resource that is often taken for granted. It’s not unusual for people to give little thought to water even though, through history, civilizations have risen and fallen depending on the availability of an adequate supply of water that is safe to drink. That’s still the case today. As we look at the conflicts and challenges—both health-related and economic—in many nations, the lack of a safe supply of drinking water is often a major factor.
We have many ways of protecting drinking water. Protecting water sources, treating the water, and taking samples of the treated water to assure its safety are necessary. Another important means of protecting water is by promoting awareness of the subject, that safe drinking water doesn’t happen by accident and that all of us play a role in protecting it.
We are fortunate in Minnesota that drinking water supplies are in good shape and that we have an adequate supply of water that is safe to drink.
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