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WINNIE Training
Checklist: WINNIE Training Module Checklist (WORD)
Reference Documents
WINNIE Training Environment - Access Info (PDF)
Browser Settings for Microsoft Edge (PDF)
Browser Settings for Google Chrome (PDF)
For All Staff: Hardware | Accessing WINNIE | Participant Search | Help | Participant Folder | Documents | Document Imaging | Prescreen | Transfers |Scheduler | Initial Contacts | WIC Card | Transaction History | Notes | Alerts |Certification | Mid-Certification Assessments (MCAs) | Certification History | VOCs | Demographics |Income Assessment | Length/Height/Weight & Growth Grids | Bloodwork | Health Information | Nutrition Assessment | Risk Factors | High Risk | Nutrition Education | Referrals |Food Prescription | Issue Benefits | Benefits History | Locked Households (document) | Adjust Benefits | Change Household ID
For Agency Admin Staff: Calendar (create clinic calendars) |
Training Documents
The following documents were initially created by St. Paul-Ramsey to identify important functionality and tasks to practice prior to WINNIE rollout.
WINNIE Important Functionality (PDF)
WINNIE Training Tasks (WORD)
WINNIE Training Scenarios (WORD)
Hardware Training Module - 9 minutes (Script - PDF)
An overview of the hardware used by the WINNIE Information System, including signature pads (recalibration), card readers, and scanners, and the software, SWIPe, required to use this hardware with WINNIE.
- SWIPe Installation (PDF) - Instructions for installing SWIPe, an application necessary for scanners and signature pads to work with WINNIE.
Accessing WINNIE
Accessing WINNIE 1 Training Module - 16 minutes (Script 1 - PDF)
An introduction to the WINNIE Information System including Help Desk, logging in, usernames, and passwords.
Accessing WINNIE 2 Training Module - 17 minutes (Script 2 - PDF)
An overview of browser settings, Multi-factor Authentication (MFA), clearing the browser cache, and the Remember Me toggle.
Accessing WINNIE 3 Training Module - 19 minutes (Script 3 - PDF)
An overview of WINNIE roles, the Location modal, User Preferences, the Module Launcher, some rules and policy for browser use with WINNIE, browser sessions and zoom, and logging out.
Participant Search
Participant Search 1 Training Module - 14 minutes (Script - PDF)
An overview of navigation within WINNIE, the agency and clinic dropdowns, Appointments search, search results and participant cards, and On-Site search and On-Site functionality.
Participant Search 2 Training Module - 14 minutes (Script - PDF)
An overview of ID searches, browser auto-save messages, demographic searches, Include Phonetics toggle, Wild Card searches, Show Details, and common system termination reasons.
Help Training Module - 5 minutes (Script - PDF)
How to use Help in WINNIE and the Detailed Functional Design Document (DFDD).
Participant Folder
Participant Folder Training Module - 16 minutes (Script - PDF)
A high-level overview of all pages in the Participant Folder and navigating via the sidebar.
Participant Menu 1 Training Module - 11 minutes (Script - PDF)
A detailed review of the Actions section of the Participant Menu that includes Issuance Frequency and terminating and reinstating participants.
Participant Menu 2 Training Module - 15 minutes (Script - PDF)
A continued detailed review of the Actions section of the Participant Menu that includes Proof of Residence, Proof of Identity, Race Ethnicity, and Status Information.
Document Overview 1 Training Module - 4 minutes (Script - PDF)
The Multi-Purpose Affidavit Form and resolving/managing pop-up blockers in Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge (based on user's default browser).
Document Overview 2 Training Module - 12 minutes (Script - PDF)
Documents, including those that generate in Spanish (based on Correspondence Preference), found in the Participant Menu that automatically open in another tab in the default browser. (This includes a higher-level overview of the Official Notification, Appointment Schedules, and VOC Document since these documents are reviewed in more detail in other training modules and a detailed review of the Participant Summary.)
Managing Downloads in Google Chrome Training Module - 11 minutes (Script - PDF)
A high-level overview of the Account Balances and Shopping List that download to the Google Chrome browser and computer, and how to manage downloaded files. For users whose default browser is Google Chrome.
Managing Downloads in Microsoft Edge Training Module - 11 minutes (Script - PDF)
A high-level overview of the Account Balances and Shopping List that download to the Microsoft Edge browser and computer, and how to manage downloaded files. For users whose default browser is Microsoft Edge.
- Installing the Download and Recycle Bin Script (PDF) - Instructions for installing a script (required on any state-owned computers using Mobile Management or WINNIE) that automatically deletes downloaded files that may contain private data from the Downloads folder and the Recycle Bin daily.
- Downloaded Files and Mobile Management - memo (PDF) - a 7/12/23 memo providing information about security requirements for deleting downloaded files.
Document Imaging
Document Imaging 1 Training Module - 12 minutes (Script - PDF)
An overview of Document Imaging, scanning paper/hardcopies and uploading electronic files.
Document Imaging 2 Training Module - 8 minutes (Script - PDF)
An overview of Document Imaging functions including View Documents, Copy Document, Delete and Reassign.
Prescreen 1 Training Module - 17 minutes (Script - PDF)
Importance of double-checking for existing records, how to search for them, and creating new households.
Prescreen 2 Training Module - 12 minutes (Script - PDF)
An overview of the duplicate applicant/participant modal after prescreening and how to add a new member to an existing household.
Transfers 1A - Clinic-to-Clinic Training Module - 9 minutes (Script - PDF)
An overview of transferring households between clinics and how End-of-Day handles transferred records.
Transfers 1B - Agency-to-Agency Training Module - 9 minutes (Script - PDF)
An overview of transferring households between agencies and how to complete documentation requirements. (Revision 1 - May 2024)
Participant Transfer History Training Module - 6 minutes (Script - PDF)
An overview of how to use the Participant Transfer History function.
Scheduler 1A - Overview Training Module - 14 minutes (Script - PDF)
Overview of Scheduler, its Calendar, Events, Holidays, and Day/Week/Month Views.
Scheduler 1B - Overview Training Module - 13 minutes (Script - PDF)
Scheduler Legend, Configuration, and Generate Clinic Schedule.
Scheduler 1C - Overview Training Module - 8 minutes (Script - PDF)
Overview of Calendar functions and the Appointment Details Modals.
Scheduler 2a - Participant Appointments Training Module - 12 minutes (Script - PDF)
Overview of appointment scheduling, can's and can't do's when scheduling, scheduling individual appointments, and editing appointments.
Scheduler 2B - Participant Appointments Training Module - 11 minutes (Script - PDF)
Overview of Appointments page in the participant folder, deleting appointments, scheduling at other clinics, and scheduling for participants that belong to other clinics in our agency.
Scheduler 3A - Household Appointments Training Module - 11 minutes (Script - PDF)
Scheduling household appointments.
Scheduler 3B - Household Appointments Training Module - 7 minutes (Script - PDF)
Scheduling household appointments - continued.
Scheduler 4A - Appointment Details Training Module - 10 minutes (Script - PDF)
Overview of Appointment Details; editing and rescheduling appointments.
Scheduler 4B - Appointment Details Training Module - 11 minutes (Script - PDF) Overview of Appointment Details; Confirmed, Missed Follow-up, and Kept.
Scheduler 5A - Clinic Schedule Training Module - 8 minutes (Script - PDF)
Overview of the Clinic Schedule; using filters.
Scheduler 5B - Clinic Schedule Training Module - 11 minutes (Script - PDF)
Overview of calendar in Clinic Schedule, rescheduling, and review of Appointment Notice.
Initial Contacts
Initial Contacts 1A - Training Module - 15 minutes (Script - PDF)
Overview of completing the initial contact in Prescreen and creating a new initial contact for existing participants.
Initial Contacts 1B - Training Module - 13 minutes (Script - PDF)
How to use the Comments field to complete the Initial Contact when unable to offer an appointment.
WIC Card
WIC Card 1A - Training Module - 10 minutes (Script - PDF)
Managing representatives and setting Primary Cardholders.
WIC Card 1B - Training Module - 14 minutes (Script - PDF)
Assigning WIC Cards, managing the Primary Cardholder, and capturing electronic signatures.
Replacing WIC Cards - Training Module - 7 minutes (Script - PDF)
When and how to replace WIC Cards. (Revision 2 - August 2024)
Deactivating WIC Cards & Card History - Training Module - 13 minutes (Script - PDF)
When and how to deactivate WIC Cards, assign a new WIC Card, and an overview of Card History. (Revision 2 - August 2024)
Transaction History
Transaction Hisory - Training Module - 7 minutes (Script - PDF)
How to use Transaction History to review benefit activities, such as issuance, voids, redemption, and expiration, which identifies foods not purchased.
Notes - Training Module - 11 minutes (Script - PDF)
Overview of creating, editing, and deleting notes.
Alerts - Training Module - 15 minutes (Script - PDF)
Overview of system alerts and user alerts, including adding, editing, and deleting user alerts as well as using the shortcut of copying an alert to a note.
Certification 1A - Training Module - 12 minutes (Script - PDF)
Overview of certification; starting certs for new participants; and starting certs for existing participants.
Certification 1B - Training Module - 9 minutes (Script - PDF)
Closing Certification Mode and Participant Menu while in Cert Mode.
Certification 1C - Training Module - 15 minutes (Script - PDF)
Race/Ethnicity and Proofs in Cert Mode; certification requirements; Remove Incomplete Certification; Demographic requirements and Agency-required fields in Cert Mode; and Entering information into the Participant Folder prior to certification.
Certification 1D - Training Module - 13 minutes (Script - PDF)
End Certification process; System-calculated Cert End Dates; Collecting signatures; Multiple PFDTUs Available modal; Affidavit and Manual Cert Forms; and updating information in the Participant Folder after the cert is completed.
Mid-Certification Assessment (MCA)
Mid-Certification Assessment (MCA) - Training Module - 16 minutes (Script - PDF)
System-calculated MCA due dates; Start MCA process; MCA requirements; Participant Menu while in MCA Mode; Remove Incomplete Mid-Certification Assessment; Entering information into the Participant Folder before MCA; and Complete MCA process.
Certification History
Certification History - Training Module - 8 minutes (Script - PDF)
Overview of Certifications and Mid-Certification Assessment (MCA) information displayed in Certification History.
VOCs 1A - New Applicants/Participants - Training Module - 15 minutes (Script - PDF)
Overview of how to complete VOCs, or out-of-state transfers, for applicants who have never participated in the Minnesota WIC Program before.
VOCs 1B - Documentation Requirements (New) - Training Module - 11 minutes (Script - PDF)
Overview of how to complete documentation requirements for VOC certified applicants who have never participated in the Minnesota WIC Program before.
VOCs 1C - Completing VOC in Folder (New) - Training Module - 15 minutes (Script - PDF)
An overview of completing WIC services tasks in the participant folder for new MN WIC participants who have been VOC certified.
VOCs 2A - Existing Participants - Training Module - 13 minutes (Script - PDF)
Overview of how to complete VOCs, or out-of-state transfers, for existing MN WIC participants.
VOCs 2B - Documentation Requirements (Existing) - Training Module - 7 minutes (Script - PDF)
Overview of how to complete documentation requirements for existing MN WIC participants who have been VOC certified.
VOCs 2C - Completing VOC in Folder (Existing) - Training Module - 11 minutes (Script - PDF)
An overview of completing WIC services tasks in the participant folder for existing MN WIC Participant who have been VOC certified.
VOC Document - Training Module - 6 minutes (Script - PDF)
An overview of the VOC Document.
Demographics 1 - Member-Level - Training Module - 11 minutes (Script - PDF)
An overview of the member-level information found on the Demographics page.
Demographics 1A - WIC Category Changes - Training Module - 10 minutes (Script - PDF)
An overview of what occurs when changing the WIC Category in Demographics for infants/children, pregnant women, and breastfeeding women to non-breastfeeding or vice-versa if fewer than 6 months postpartum.
Demographics 1B - WIC Category Changes - Training Module - 9 minutes (Script - PDF)
An overview of what occurs when changing the WIC Category in Demographics for breastfeeding women more than 6 months postpartum, and how to complete the WIC Category change in Health Information.
Demographics 2 - Household-Level - Training Module - 16 minutes (Script - PDF)
An overview of the household-level information found on the Demographics page and updating information on the Household Demographics modal.
Income Assessment
Income 1A - Overview & Assessment - Training Module - 10 minutes (Script - PDF)
An overview of documenting income, Separation of Duties (SOD) requirements, and using the Copy Items to Current Income function.
Income 1B - Copy to Current & SOD - Training Module - 9 minutes (Script - PDF)
How to use the Copy Items to Current Income function to help meet SOD requirements.
Income 2A - Adjunctive Eligibility - Training Module - 8 minutes (Script - PDF)
An overview of documenting adjunctive income eligibility.
Income 2B - Pending Adjunctive - Training Module - 10 minutes (Script - PDF)
How to document pending proof for adjunctive programs.
Income 3A - Traditional Income - Training Module - 15 minutes (Script - PDF)
An overview of documenting traditional income.
Income 3B - Pending Income - Training Module - 12 minutes (Script - PDF)
How to document pending proof of income and how to resolve pending proof.
Income 3C - No Income - Training Module - 6 minutes (Script - PDF)
How to document when a family doesn’t have an income.
Income 3D - No Proof of Income - Training Module - 7 minutes (Script - PDF)
How to document when a family is unable to provide proof of income.
Income 4A - Presumptive Eligibility - Training Module - 11 minutes (Script - PDF)
An overview of documenting Presumptive Eligibility (PE).
Income 4B - Presumptive Eligibility Follow-up - Training Module - 11 minutes (Script - PDF)
How to document follow-up to Presumptive Eligibility (PE).
Income 5A Part 1 - Over-income in Cert - Training Module - 9 minutes (Script - PDF)
An overview of what to do if a household is determined to be income ineligible during a certification.
Income 5A Part 2 - Over-income in Cert - Training Module - 11 minutes (Script - PDF)
An overview of the steps to completing income ineligibility when determined ineligible during a certification.
Income 5B Part 1 - Over-income in Folder - Training Module - 10 minutes (Script - PDF)
An overview of what to do if a household is determined to be income ineligible after entering income into the Participant Folder.
Income 5B Part 2 - Over-income in Folder - Training Module - 9 minutes (Script - PDF)
An overview of the steps to completing income ineligibility when determined ineligible after entering income into the Participant Folder.
Length/Height/Weight & Growth Grids
Length/Height/Weight & Growth Grids 1 - Training Module - 13 minutes (Script - PDF)
Overview of the Length/Height/Weight page and Growth Grids, specifically children over 2 measured recumbent.
Length/Height/Weight & Growth Grids 2 - Training Module - 8 minutes (Script - PDF)
Continued overview of Length/Height/Weight page and Growth Grids, specifically infants and children less than 24 months old and premature.
Length/Height/Weight & Growth Grids 3 - Training Module - 8 minutes (Script - PDF)
Entering referral measurements, how to document if a measurement is not correct, printing growth grids, and completing the requirement in Cert Mode when measurements are entered into the Participant Folder.
Length/Height/Weight & Growth Grids 4 - Training Module - 10 minutes (Script - PDF)
Overview of the Unknown button for measurements and women’s measurements and grids.
Bloodwork - Training Module - 16 minutes (Script - PDF)
Overview of bloodwork requirements; adding and editing bloodwork records.
Health Information
Health Information 1A - Pregnant - Training Module - 18 minutes (Script - PDF)
Overview of Health Information - Pregnancy tab including Current Pregnancy, Previous Pregnancy, and Any Pregnancy History fields and toggles.
Health Information 1B - Pregnant - Training Module - 11 minutes (Script - PDF)
Completing Health Information - Pregnancy tab and continued overview including Multivitamin Consumption, Cigarette and Alcohol Use, and assigned risk factors.
Health Information 2A - Postpartum - Training Module - 20 minutes (Script - PDF)
Overview of Health Information - Postpartum tab including Postpartum Information, Most Recent Pregnancy History, Any History of, and Cigarette and Alcohol Use fields and toggles.
Health Information 2B - Postpartum - Training Module - 15 minutes (Script - PDF)
Completing Health Information - Postpartum tab, review of Infants Born from This Pregnancy and creating two-way links between mom and infant records.
Health Information 3 - Infant/Child- Training Module - 16 minutes (Script - PDF)
Completing Health Information for two-way linked infants, one-way linked infants, and children 2 and older.
Nutrition Assessment
Nutrition Assessment 1A - Training Module - 13 minutes (Script - PDF)
Overview of Nutrition Assessment, navigating the Nutrition Assessment Contact modal, and types of questions.
Nutrition Assessment 1B - Training Module - 11 minutes (Script - PDF)
Review of editing Nutrition Assessment contacts, adding risk factors, deleting contacts, and copying answers from other household members.
Risk Factors
Risk Factors 1A - Training Module - 12 minutes (Script - PDF)
Overview of the Risk Factors in the Participant Folder, Modify modal, and pseudo-certs.
Risk Factors 1B - Training Module - 8 minutes (Script - PDF)
Overview of the Risk Factors in MCA and Cert Mode, Modify modal shortcuts, removing risk factors, and how CPA and System-assigned risk factors work.
High Risk
High Risk - Training Module - 14 minutes (Script - PDF)
Overview of assigning and resolving high risk.
Nutrition Education
Nutrition Education 1A - Training Module - 13 minutes (Script - PDF)
Overview of Nutrition Education, including Individual Contacts, Topic hot keys, and editing and deleting contacts.
Nutrition Education 1B - Training Module - 12 minutes (Script - PDF)
Overview of Nutrition Education, including Materials Given, Goals, Peer Referral contacts, editing contacts in the Participant Folder, Goal Results, editing and deleting Goal Results, and Group Education Contacts and how it is used for self-guided lessons.
Referrals - Training Module - 16 minutes (Script - PDF)
Overview of referrals, adding, modifying, deleting and copying to other members.
Food Prescription
Food Prescription 1A - Overview - Training Module - 16 minutes (Script - PDF)
Food Packages 1 - 7+; overview of Food Prescription page; Show Details in Food Prescription.
Food Prescription 1B - Create & Modify - Training Module - 11 minutes (Script - PDF)
Creating, editing, and deleting Default Food Packages.
Food Prescription 2A - Risk Factors & BF Dyads - Training Module - 13 minutes (Script - PDF)
Risk Factor 335 - Lactose Intolerance; Mostly-breastfeeding dyad.
Food Prescription 2B - Risk Factors & BF Dyads - Training Module - 10 minutes (Script - PDF)
Risk Factor 335 - Multifetal Gestation; Risk Factor 338 - Pregnant and Breastfeeding; Risk Factor 801 - Homelessness.
Food Prescription 3A - FPIII Overview and Infants - Training Module - 14 minutes (Script - PDF)
Medical Formula Request Form; Food Package III in Health Information; FPIII and High Risk; Adding and editing special formula food prescriptions for infants.
Food Prescription 3B - FPIII - Children & Women - Training Module - 12 minutes (Script - PDF)
Providing FPIII to children; Infant foods to children; Providing FPIII to women.
Issue Benefits
Issue Benefits 1A - Overview - Training Module - 16 minutes (Script - PDF)
Definitions; Overview of Issue Benefits page; Messages and resolving messages to issue.
Issue Benefits 1B - Overview - Training Module - 7 minutes (Script - PDF)
Continuation of module 1A - resolving messages to issue.
Issue Benefits 1C - Overview - Training Module - 16 minutes (Script - PDF)
System-suggested benefits; Toggles and keeping members synced; Issuance Frequency; Issue Benefits and Aggregated Issuance modal; Shopping List and Account Balance.
Issue Benefits 2A - System Cycle Adjustments - Training Module - 7 minutes (Script - PDF)
System adjustments; How the system determines cycles.
Issue Benefits 2B - Manual Cycle Adjustments - Training Module - 12 minutes (Script - PDF)
Using the Selected LDTU function to manually adjust household cycles.
Issue Benefits 3A - Direct Ship - Training Module - 9 minutes (Script - PDF)
Overview of Direct Ship; How to Direct Ship a full package.
Issue Benefits 3B - Direct Ship - Training Module - 8 minutes (Script - PDF)
How to Direct Ship a partial package.
Issue Benefits 3C - Direct Ship No WIC Formula/Foods Item - Training Module - 11 minutes (Script - PDF)
How to issue the No WIC Formula/Foods Item.
Issue Benefits 4A - Terminated Certs - Training Module - 7 minutes (Script - PDF)
Issuing to participants whose certs have been terminated; Issuing benefits on the last LDTU.
Issue Benefits 4B - Pending Proofs - Training Module - 4 minutes (Script - PDF)
Issuing to participants pending proof of identity or residency.
Issue Benefits 4C - Age Category Changes - Training Module - 5 minutes (Script - PDF)
Issuing when there are age category changes.
Issue Benefits 4D - 3 Common Scenarios - Training Module - 11 minutes (Script - PDF)
Issuing the last set of benefits to breastfeeding women; issuing infant/child food packages; and creating a default food package when risk factors have been resolved due to an age category change (how to use RF 425X).
Benefits History
Benefits History - Training Module - 7 minutes (Script - PDF)
Overview of Benefits History.
Locked Households
Locked Households - WINNIE Training Document (PDF)
How to unlock households automatically locked due to benefit issuance conflicts or computer crashes/power failures/Internet interruptions.
Adjust Benefits
Adjust Benefits 1 - Overview Training Module - 14 minutes (Script - PDF)
Overview of Adjust Benefits.
Adjust Benefits 1A - Formula Scenario 1: New Medical Formula Training Module - 16 minutes (Script - PDF)
Scenario 1: Change to new medical formula; original medical formula partially direct shipped and issued to WIC Card; void future benefits.
Adjust Benefits 1B - Formula Scenario 2: Increase Formula Training Module - 13 minutes (Script - PDF)
Scenario 2: Breastfeeding Amount and age category change between issuance and adjustment; provide two different formulas for one month then change to new formula.
Adjust Benefits 1C - Formula Scenario 3: Change BF Amount & Add Formula Training Module - 12 minutes (Script - PDF)
Scenario 3: Add formula for 6-month old fully breastfed infant when redemption of a portion of all the infant foods has occurred.
Adjust Benefits 1D - Formula Scenario 4: FPIII - Remove Infant Foods Training Module - 9 minutes (Script - PDF)
Scenario 4: Remove infant foods and increase medical formula for FPIII infant previously issued contract formula.
Adjust Benefits 1E - Formula Scenario 5: FPIII - Add Infant Foods Training Module - 9 minutes (Script - PDF)
Scenario 5: Add infant foods and cash-value benefit for FPIII infant currently receiving increased medical formula.
Adjust Benefits 1F - Formula Scenario 6: FPIII Child Training Module - 14 minutes (Script - PDF)
Scenario 6: Add medical formula and infants fruits/vegetables and cereal to child issued standard food package.
Adjust Benefits 1G - Direct Ship Scenario 1 Training Module - 7 minutes (Script - PDF)
Scenario 1: Direct ship when original issuance was to WIC Card.
Adjust Benefits 1H - Direct Ship Scenario 2 Training Module - 13 minutes (Script - PDF)
Scenario 2: Issue to WIC Card when original issuance was by Direct Ship.
Quick Reference - Adjust Benefits: No WIC Formula/Foods Issued (PDF)
How to adjust the "No WIC Formula/Foods Issued" food item.
Adjust Benefits 2A - Food Scenario 1 Training Module - 12 minutes (Script - PDF)
Scenario 1: Exchange milk for soy beverage.
Adjust Benefits 2B - Food Scenario 2 Training Module - 7 minutes (Script - PDF)
Scenario 2: Increase the cash-value benefit/CVB (add a new food item).
Adjust Benefits 2C - Food Scenario 3 Training Module - 11 minutes (Script - PDF)
Scenario 3: Exchange cheese for milk.
Adjust Benefits 2D - Food Scenario 4 Training Module - 11 minutes (Script - PDF)
Scenario 4: Fully breastfeeding woman with pregnant food package.
For Agency Admin Staff
The following training modules are for WINNIE users that create the appointment calendars for their clinics and have the WINNIE CPA w/CALENDAR role.
WINNIE Calendar Worksheet (PDF)
Calendar 1A - Appointment Types Training Module - 13 minutes (Script - PDF)
An overview of appointment types and adding them, reminder emails, and adding color.
Calendar 1B - Appointment Types Training Module - 9 minutes (Script - PDF)
Editing, deactivating, and deleting appointment types; default colors used for appointments by WINNIE.
Calendar 2 - Resources Training Module - 8 minutes (Script - PDF)
Adding, editing, deactivating, and deleting resources; Resource ID and column order in Scheduler.
Calendar 3A - Holidays & Events Training Module - 15 minutes (Script - PDF)
Overview of all day and partial holidays and events, adding, editing, and deleting them.
Calendar 3B - Holidays & Events Training Module - 11 minutes (Script - PDF)
Editing and deleting single and series events.
Calendar 4A - Adding/Deleting Resource Schedules Training Module - 15 minutes (Script - PDF)
Prepping for creating calendars, adding and deleting resource schedules.
Calendar 4B - Resource Schedule Blocks Training Module - 12 minutes (Script - PDF)
Adding, overwriting and editing blocks.
Calendar 4C - Create Calendar Training Module - 9 minutes (Script - PDF)
Overview of creating resources schedules.
Calendar 4D - Copy to Resource Training Module - 12 minutes (Script - PDF)
Copying resource schedules.
Calendar 4E - Copy to Clinic Training Module - 7 minutes (Script - PDF)
Copying to clinic; general review of working with resource schedules to create a calendar.
Calendar 4F - Overwrite Training Module - 7 minutes (Script - PDF)
Overwriting resource schedules.
Change Household ID
Scenario 1 - changing the Household ID for two brothers entering foster care.
Change Household ID 1A - Training Module - 12 minutes (Script - PDF)
Overview of changing household IDs, foster care and its toggle, creating a new household ID, how deactivate card works if no members left in original household, and updating previously completed information within Change Household ID mode.
Change Household ID 1B - Training Module - 10 minutes (Script - PDF)
Overview of removing or resuming an incomplete Change Household ID, assigning a card while in Change Household ID mode, an overview of Adjust Benefits in Change Household ID mode, adjusting benefits using the Reissue Removed Quantity toggle, and completing Change Household ID.
Change Household ID 1C - Training Module - 11 minutes (Script - PDF)
Overview of changing a household ID to an existing ID, using the Reissue Full Set toggle in Adjust Benefits, verifying food prescriptions and issuing benefits once Change Household ID mode is completed, and how to view Change Household ID History.
Scenario 2 - changing the Household ID for an infant issued formula via direct ship for the current month.
Change Household ID 2A - Training Module - 6 minutes (Script - PDF)
Overview of deactivating a card prior to Change Household ID and completing the first requirements in Change Household ID mode.
Change Household ID 2B - Training Module - 12 minutes (Script - PDF)
How Adjust Benefits in Change Household ID mode automatically returns and reissues direct shipped formula and how to adjust the benefits issued during Change Household mode to accurately indicate actual issuance (and how to document if appropriate).