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Somali (Af Soomaali) Translated Materials
Macluumaadka wasaaradda caafimaadka ee Minnesota waxaa lagu turjumay Af-soomaali. Haddii aadan halkaan ka helin warbixinta aad raadinayso, fadlan lambarkaan wac: 651-201-5000 si aad u heshid turjumaan.
On this page:
Biyaha la cabo (drinking water)
Brain and spinal cord Injury
Borrelia mayonii disease
Borrelia miyamotoi disease
Busbus (varicella) (chickenpox)
Cagaarshowga B (hepatitis B)
Codsiga shahaadada dhalshada (birth certificate applications)
Cudurka biyaha madadaalada (recreational water illnesses)
Cudurka koronafayras 2019 (COVID-19)
Dabool afkaaga marka aad qufaceyso (cover your cough)
Dumarka, dhallaanka, caruurta (women, infants, children)
Eastern equine encephalitis
Eboola (ebola)
Extreme heat
Food safety
Hand hygiene
Hargabka (flu)
Health information
Injirta madaxa (head lice)
Jadeecada (measles)
Jadeecada rubella (rubella - German measles)
Jamestown Canyon virus
La Crosse encephalitis (LAC)
Lyme disease
Mental health
Merkurida (mercury)
Powassan virus disease
Qaamo bararka (mumps)
Tallaalka (immunizations)
Travel and disease prevention
Tuberculosis (TB)
West Nile virus
Western equine encephalitis
Xashiishada caafimaadka (medical cannabis)
For more information > Anaplasmosis
- Darraasad Tayeed o ee Qoysaska leh Carruurta Qabta Autism ee Bulshada Soomaaliyeed (2014) (PDF)
A qualitative study of families of children with autism in the Somali community (2014)
For more information > Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Reports
For more information > Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
For more information > Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and the Somali Community
- Kud (PDF)
Anthrax fact sheet
For more information > Anthrax Facts - Botulism (PDF)
Botulism fact sheet
For more information > Botulism Facts - Brucellosis (PDF)
Brucellosis fact sheet
For more information > Brucellosis Facts - Cudurka Daacuunka (PDF)
Plague fact sheet
For more information > Plague Facts - Ricin (PDF)
Ricin fact sheet
For more information > Ricin Facts - Furuqa (PDF)
Smallpox fact sheet
For more information > Smallpox Facts - Tularemia (PDF)
Tularemia fact sheet
For more information > Tularemia - Qandhooyinka dhiig-baxa ee (PDF)
Viral hemorrhagic fevers (VHFs)
For more information > Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers (VHFs) Facts
For more information > Bioterrorism Diseases
Biyaha la cabo (drinking water)
- Arsenic-ga ku jira Biyaha la Cabo (PDF)
Arsenic in Drinking Water - Bakteeriyada, Fayrasyada, iyo dulinnada ku jira biyaha la cabbo (PDF)
Bacteria, Viruses, and Parasites in Drinking Water - Bakteeriyada Total Coliform ee ku jirta Biyaha la Cabbo (PDF)
Total Coliform Bacteria in the Drinking Water System fact sheet - DIGNIINTA BIYAHA LA CABO (PDF)
Nitrate Public Notice fact sheet - DIGNIINTA BIYAHA LA CABO (PDF)
E. coli Public Notice fact sheet - Macdanta Manganese oo ku jirtaa Biyaha la Cabo (PDF)
Manganese in Drinking Water - Nitrate-ka ku jira Biyaha la Cabo (PDF)
Nitrate in Drinking Water - PFAS ku jirta Biyaha la Cabo (PDF)
PFAS in Drinking Water fact sheet - Radionuclides (Radium) biyaha la cabbo ku jira (PDF)
Radionuclides (Radium) in Drinking Water
For more information > Drinking water protection
Borrelia mayonii disease
- Cudurka Borrelia mayonii (PDF)
Borrelia mayonii fact sheet
For more information > Borrelia mayonii
Borrelia miyamotoi disease
- Cudurka Borrelia miyamotoi (PDF)
Borrelia miyamotoi fact sheet
For more information > Borrelia miyamotoi
Brain and spinal cord injury
- Soo Bogsashada Dhaawac Maskaxda ah oo Argagax leh ama Dawaqaad ka dib (PDF)
Getting better after traumatic brain injury or concussion
For more information > Traumatic Brain and Spinal Cord Injury
Busbus (varicella) - (chickenpox/varicella)
- Busbus (PDF)
Chickenpox (varicella)
For more information > Chickenpox (Varicella)
Cagaarshowga B
(hepatitis B)
- Macluumaadka cagaarshowga B ee loogu talagalay Haweenka Uurka Leh (PDF)
Hepatitis B information for pregnant women
For more information > Hepatitis B Information for Pregnant Women
Codsiga shahaadada dhalshada
(birth certificate applications)
- Codsiga Shahaadada Dhalshada (PDF)
Birth certificate applications
For more information > Birth Certificates
Cudurka biyaha madadaalada
(recreational water illnesses)
- Cudurka Biyaha Madadaalada (RWIs) (PDF)
Recreational water illnesses
For more information > Recreational Water Illnesses (RWIs)
Cudurka koronafayras 2019
COVID-19 disease
- Ku Saabsan KOFID-19
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) - Astaamaha COVID-19 (YouTube)
COVID-19 symptoms
COVID-19 vaccine
COVID-19 vaccine basics - Sida Daawooyinka Tallaalka COVID-19 Loo Sameeyay (PDF)
How COVID-19 vaccines are made - Qoraalka Muhiimada Qaadashada Kuuradaada Labaadee Tallaalka COVID-19 (YouTube)
The importance of getting the second dose - Tallaalada COVID-19 iyo Uurka (PDF)
COVID-19 vaccines and pregnancy - TALLAALKA COVID-19 Ee Loogu Talagalay Dhalinyarada Baahiyaha Gaarka ah Leh ama Naafada ah Macluumaadka Daryeel Bixiyeyaasha (PDF)
- COVID-19 Vaccine for Youth with Special Needs or Disabilities: Information for Caregivers
- Talaallada COVID-19: Waxa ay tahay inay ogaadaan kuraydu (YouTube)
COVID-19 vaccines: What teens should know video - Talaallada COVID-19: Waxa ay tahay inay ogaadaan kuraydu (PDF)
COVID-19 vaccines: What teens should know video transcript - Waa maxay Kiisaska Talaalku Difaaci waayay? (PDF)
What are vaccine breakthrough cases video transcript - Waa maxay cirbadahaxoojinta waxtarka talaalka COVID-19? (YouTube)
What are COVID-19 booster shots video - Waa maxay cirbadaha Xoojinta waxtarka talaalka COVID-19? (PDF)
What are COVID-19 booster shots, video transcript - Maxay muhiim u yihiin cirbadaha Xoojinta waxtarka talaalka COVID-19? (PDF)
Why are COVID-19 booster shots needed, video transcript - Waa maxay cirbadahaxoojinta waxtarka talaalka COVID-19? (YouTube)
Why should people get vaccinated for COVID-19 if we need booster shots, video - Maxay tahay sababta ay dadku u qaadanayaan talaalka COVID-19 haddii aan u baahan nahay cirbad xoojin ah? (YouTube)
Why should people get vaccinated for COVID-19 if we need booster shots, video transcript - Maxay tahay sababta ay dadku u qaadanayaan talaalka COVID-19 haddii aan u baahan nahay cirbad xoojin ah? (PDF)
Why should people get vaccinated for COVID-19 if we need booster shots, video transcript - Waxa La Filan Karo: Hadal Qoraalka Booqashada Rugta Tallaalka ee Gawaarida Dhexdooda ah (PDF)
What to expect: Visiting a Mobile Vaccine Clinic, video transcript - Sida aad u qabanayso cunugaaga marka la talaalaayo (PDF)
How to hold your child during vaccination - Sida loo isticmaalo aaladda lagu raadiyo helitaanka tallaalka Kofid-li (YouTube)
How to use the Find a COVID-19 Vaccine tool - Qoraalka Su`aalaha Inta badan la Isweydiiyo ee ku Saabsan Sida Talaallada COVID-19 loo Sameeyo (YouTube)
Frequently asked questions about the COVID-19 vaccine, video - Qoraalka Su`aalaha Inta badan la Isweydiiyo ee ku Saabsan Sida Talaallada COVID-19 loo Sameeyo (PDF)
Frequently asked questions about the COVID-19 vaccine transcript - Barnaamijka Talaalka ee Guriga (PDF)
In-home vaccination program - QAADO TALLAALKA COVID-19 EE LA CUSBOONAYSIIYAY SANADKA 2023-2024 (PDF)
Get the updated 2023-2024 COVID-19 vaccine - Ka ilaali ilmahaaga KOFID-19 (YouTube)
Protect your children from COVID-19 video - Ka ilaali ilmahaaga KOFID-19 (PDF)
Protect your children from COVID-19 transcript - Markhaati Furka Bulshada Afrikaanka: Bashiir (YouTube)
Firsthand stories: Bashir video - Markhaati Furka Bulshada Afrikaanka: Bashiir (PDF)
Firsthand stories: Bashir transcript - Markhaati Furka Bulshada Afrikaanka: Quraysho (YouTube)
Firsthand stories: Quraysho video - Markhaati Furka Bulshada Afrikaanka: Quraysho (PDF)
Firsthand stories: Quraysho, transcript
COVID-19 testing
- Ka Tijaabinta COVID-19 (YouTube)
COVID-19 testing - Baaritaanka COVID-19 (PDF)
Testing for COVID-19, video transcript - Goormaa habboon in aad iska baartid COVID-19? U dhawaansho (YouTube)
When should you get tested for COVID-19? Close contact. - Goormaa habboon in aad iska baartid COVID-19? Astaamaha (YouTube)
When should you get tested for COVID-19? Symptoms. - Goorma ayay tahay in la i baaro? Astaamaha (PDF)
When should I get tested? Symptoms, video transcript - Goorma ayay tahay in la i baaro? Dadka la joogay qof qaba Caabuqa (PDF)
- When should I get tested? Close contact, video transcript
- Waan is baaray, hadda maxa kuu xiga? (YouTube)
I got tested. Now what
COVID-19 medications
- Daawooyinka COVID-19: Daawooyinka kahortagga fayraska (PDF)
COVID-19 medications: antivirals
- Waji-xirka: COVID-19
Information about wearing masks - Talooyinka Xirashada Maaskarada
Wearing a face cover - Hab-dhaqannada Ugu Fiican ee Maaskaraha COVID-19 (YouTube)
COVID-19 mask do's and don'ts - Waxa Ay Tahay in La Sameeyo Ama Aan La Samayn Maaskaraha COVID-19 ee Ardayda (YouTube)
The dos and don'ts of student COVID-19 masks video - Waxa Ay Tahay in La Sameeyo Ama Aan La Samayn Maaskaraha COVID-19 ee Ardayda (PDF)
The dos and don'ts of student COVID-19 masks video transcript
COVID-19 general
- COVID-19: Difaac Naftaada iyo dadka kale
COVID-19: Protect yourself - Warqadda Macluumaadka Bukaanka ee Remdesivir (Veklury®) (PDF)
Patient information sheet for remdesivir (Veklury®) - Waxa ay tahay Inaad Samayso Haddii aad dareento Jiro (YouTube)
What to do if you feel sick video - Waxa ay tahay Inaad Samayso Haddii aad dareento Jiro (PDF)
What to do if you feel sick video transcript - In Guriga lagu Daaweeyo Astaamaha COVID-19 (YouTube)
Treating symptoms at home video - In Guriga lagu Daaweeyo Astaamaha COVID-19 (PDF)
Treating symptoms at home video transcript - Sida uu COVID-19 ugu faafo bulshooyinka (YouTube)
How COVID-19 spreads in communities video - Sida uu COVID-19 ugu faafo bulshooyinka (PDF)
How COVID-19 spreads in communities video transcript - COVID-19 weli (PDF)
COVID-19 is still spreading - Sida Lagu Helo Macluumaadka Tallaalkaaga iyo kan Caruurtaada (PDF)
How to access immunization records for you or your child
For more information > Videos for COVID-19 Response (languages)
For more information > COVID-19 Testing
For more information > Protect Yourself and Others
For more information > Materials and Resources for Coronavirus Disease
Dabool afkaaga marka aad qufaceyso
(cover your cough)
- Dabool Afkaaga marka aad Qufaceyso (PDF)
Cover Your Cough brochure for health care - Dabool Afkaaga marka aad Qufaceyso (PDF)
Cover Your Cough poster for health care - Dabool Afkaaga marka aad Qufaceyso (PDF)
Cover Your Cough poster for schools - Caawi Si Loo llaaliyo Bukaanyagaelp! (PDF)
Stop! Protect our patients - Caawi Si Loo llaaliyo Degaanaankayaga! (PDF)
Stop! Help Protect our Residents
For more information > Cover Your Cough
Dumarka, dhallaanka, caruurta
(women, infants, children)
Early hearing detection intervention
For more information > Information for Families & Caregivers (PDF)
For more information > Early Hearing Detection and Intervention
Congenital cytomegalovirus
- Faayrus Lagu Dhasho oo Calaamado Badan (PDF)
Cytomegalovirus infection at birth
For more information > Cytomegalovirus and Congenital Cytomegalovirus
Infant mortality
- Badbaadada Hurdo ee Dhalanka Garo A-B-Cs (PDF)
Infant safe sleep, quick card
For more information > Sudden Unexpected Infant Death - Wakhtiga Caloosha (PDF)
Tummy time
For more information > Infant Mortality Reduction Initiative
Niyad-jabka ama walaaca xilliga uurka iyo kadib
(depression or anxiety during and after pregnancy)
- Niyad-jabka ama Walaaca Xilliga Uurka iyo Kadib (PDF)
Depression or anxiety during and after pregnancy - Qorshahayga Fayo-qabka Dhalmada Kadib (PDF)
Postpartum well-being plan
For more information > Depression or Anxiety During and After Pregnancy Brochure and Postpartum Well-being Plan
Eastern equine encephalitis
For more information > About Eastern Equine Encephalitis
Eboola (ebola)
- Eboola (PDF)
Ebola fact sheet
For more information > Ebola Virus Disease
For more information > Ehrlichiosis
Extreme heat
- Warqada Tallada Kuleel Daran (PDF)
Extreme heat tips sheet
For more information > Extreme Heat Events
- Bayaanka Bukaanka Xuquuqdiisa ee Minnesota (PDF)
Minnesota Patient Bill of Rights (Hospitals) - Bayaanka Xuquuqda Federaalka iyo Gobolka oo La Isku Daray (PDF)
Combined Federal & State Resident Bill of Rights - Bayaanka Xuquuqda Federaalka (PDF)
Federal Resident Bill of Rights - Bayaanka Xuquuqda Deeganayasha (PDF)
State Resident Bill of Rights - Bayaanka Xuquuqda Deeganayasha (PDF)
State Resident Bill of Rights - large print - Bayaanka Xuquuqda Guriga Daryeelka ee Minnesota iyo Federaalka Midaysan (PDF)
Combined Hospice Bill of Rights - Bayaanka Xuquuqda Guriga Daryeelka ee Minnesota iyo Federaalka Midaysan (PDF)
Combined Hospice Bill of Rights - large print - KU QEEXAN XEERKA MINNESOTA, QAYBTA 144.751 (PDF)
Minnesota Hospice Bill of Rights - KU QEEXAN XEERKA MINNESOTA, QAYBTA 144.751 (PDF)
Minnesota Hospice Bill of Rights - large print - Xarunta Qalliinka Bukaansocodka Bayaanka Bukaanka Xuquudiisa ee Minnesota (PDF)
Minnesota Outpatient Surgical Center Patient's Bill of Rights - Xarunta Qalliinka Bukaansocodka Bayaanka Bukaanka Xuquudiisa ee Minnesota (PDF)
Minnesota Outpatient Surgical Center Patient's Bill of Rights - Somali - large print - Bayaanka Xuquuqda Caafimaadka ee Deganayaasha Guryaha La Kormeero (PDF)
Health Care Bill of Rights for Residents of Supervised Living Facilities - Bayaanka Xuquuqda Caafimaadka ee Deganayaasha Guryaha La Kormeero (PDF)
Health Care Bill of Rights for Residents of Supervised Living Facilities - large print
For more information > Patient, Resident and Home Care Bill of Rights
Food safety
- Biyaha Dhalada: Su’aalaha iyo Jawaabaha (PDF)
Bottled water safety - Wax ku Beerashada ee Carrada Magaalada (PDF)
Gardening in urban soil - Ha Dhaqin Hilib-Dhigaaggaaga! (PDF)
Don't Wash Your Chicken! - OGEYSIIS (PDF)
Attention poster - Xanaanee naftaada iyo tan martidaada (PDF)
11 x 17: Keep Yourself and Your Guests Safe - Xanaanee naftaada iyo tan martidaada (PDF)
8 1/2 x 11: Keep Yourself and Your Guests Safe
For more information > Food Safety
Hand hygiene
- Maydh gacmahaaga (PDF)
Wash Your Hands poster (in 24 languages) - Noqo Ka-Hortage Jermis Gacmaha Iska Dhaq (PDF)
Be A Germ Buster poster (How-to Hand Washing)
For more information > Wash Your Hands
Hargabka (flu)
- Qalabka Baaritaanka Aastaanta Hargabka ee Waaladiinta iyo Daryeelayaasha (PDF)
Flu symptom screening tool for parents - La Dagaallanka Hargabka (PDF)
Fight the Flu Poster - black and white - La Dagaallanka Hargabka (PDF)
Fight the Flu Poster - color - La Dagaallanka Hargabka (PDF)
Fight the Flu Bookmark - black and white - La Dagaallanka Hargabka (PDF)
Fight the Flu Bookmark - color
For more information > Fight the Flu
Health information
- Ilaha laga Helo Daryeel Caafimaad Qiime-Jaban leh ama laga Helo Caymis Caafimaad (PDF)
Resources to find low-cost health care or get health insurance - Tilmaame Baaritaanka Caafimaadka ee Qaxootiga (PDF)
A Guide to Your Refugee Health Assessment - Hogaaminta Caafimaadka Qaxootiga Minnesota (PDF)
Health Guide for Refugees in Minnesota - Waa Maxay Faa'iidooyinka Daryeelka Caafimaadka? (PDF)
Health Care Homes brochure
For more information > Health Education Materials for Refugees
For more information > How to sign up for docket (YouTube)
Injirta madaxa
(head lice)
- Injirta Madaxa (PDF)
Head lice fact sheet
For more information > Head Lice Fact Sheet
Jadeecada (measles)
- Wadan Kale Ma Booqaneysaa? U taxadar qoyskaada (PDF)
Think measles poster
For more information > Think Measles - Jadeecada (Rubeola) (PDF)
Measles (Rubeola)
For more information > Measles (Rubeola)
Jadeecada rubella
(rubella - German measles)
- Jadeecada Rubella (PDF)
For more information > Rubella
Jamestown Canyon virus
- Cudurka Fayraska Jamestown Canyon (PDF)
Jamestown Canyon Virus Sheet
For more information > About Jamestown Canyon Virus
La Crosse encephalitis (LAC)
For more information > About La Crosse Encephalitis
- Nadiifinta boodhka leedh ee gurigaaga (PDF)
Cleaning up sources of lead in the home - Nadiifinta Leedh Boodhka Ka-tirtir Gurigaaga (PDF)
Cleaning up lead dust in your home - Raadinta Sunta Rasaasta ee Guriga Ilaha Guud ee Sunta Rasaasta Laga Helayo (PDF)
Common sources of lead
For more information > Common Sources of Lead - Talaabooyinka Lagu Caawinaayo Si Hoos- Loogu Dhigo Heerka Sunta Rasaasta Ku Jirta Dhiiga Ilmahaaga (PDF)
Steps to help lower your child's blood lead level - Soo If Bixida Maadada/Walaxda Liidh Ee Xilliga Caruurnimada (PDF)
Childhood lead exposure: Are your kids at risk? - Kaga ilaali carruurta leedh cunto caafimaad leh (PDF)
Protect children from lead with healthy food - Leedh Ku jirta alaabaha laso dejiyo (PDF)
Lead in imported products - Uqaadidda-Guriga Liidh (Lead) (PDF)
Take home lead
For more information > Materials and Resources for Lead
For more information > Lead Poisoning Prevention Fact Sheets
For more information > Lead brochures order form
Lyme disease
- Cudurka Lyme (PDF)
Lyme disease fact sheet
For more information > About Lyme Disease
Mental health
- WAAN-HUBINAA (WE-CHECK) Hubinta Fayo-qabka iyo Shucuurta ee Minnesota (PDF)
WE-Check: Minnesota well-being and emotions check - Caafimaadka Maskaxda (YouTube)
Mental health video - Caafimaadka Maskaxda (PDF)
Mental health video transcript
(mercury products)
- Skin Lightening Products Found to Contain Mercury - English
Choose health, avoid skin lightening products
- Hel’ Xaqiiqooyinka ama Xogta Caabuqa Daanyeerka (PDF)
Mpox: Get the facts - BUSBUSKA (mpox) (PDF)
One mpox information card - BUSBUSKA - 4 (mpox) (PDF)
Set of four mpox information cards
Niyad-jabka ama walaaca xilliga uurka iyo kadib
- Niyad-jabka ama Walaaca Xilliga Uurka iyo Kadib (PDF)
Depression or anxiety during and after pregnancy - Qorshahayga Fayo-qabka Dhalmada Kadib (PDF)
Postpartum well-being plan
For more information > Depression or Anxiety During and After Pregnancy Brochure and Postpartum Well-being Plan
- Macluumaadka u-qalmitaanka Minnesota WIC Program
Minnesota WIC eligibility information - Af Soomaali MN WIC Program
WIC nutrition information Somali webpage - Kusooldhawoow WIC (PDF)
Welcome to WIC - Barnaamijkka WIC ee Minnesota Waajibaadkaaga Iyo Xaquuqdaada (PDF)
Minnesota WIC rights and responsibilities - Kusoo Dhawoow Minnesota WIC (YouTube)
Welcome to Minnesota WIC
For more information > Women, Infants & Children (WIC) Program
Pertussis (whooping cough)
For more information > Pertussis (whooping cough)
Powassan virus disease
- Cudurka Fayraska Powassan (PDF)
Powassan virus disease fact sheet
For more information > About Powassan Virus Disease
Qaamo bararka (mumps)
- Qaamo bararka (PDF)
For more information > Mumps Basics
- Shingles (Herpes Zoster) (PDF)
Shingles fact sheet
For more information > Shingles (Herpes Zoster) Facts
- Ilmahayguma heli karaan tallaallo lacag la'aan ah ama qiimo jaban ah? (PDF)
Can my child get free or low cost shots?
For more information > Free or Low-Cost Shots for Children - Sida Lagu Helo Macluumaadka Tallaalkaaga iyo kan Caruurtaada (PDF)
How to Access Immunization Records for You or Your Child
For more information > Immunization: Me and My Family - Ku darista Talaallada diiwaanka MIIC (PDF)
Adding immunizations to your MIIC record
For more information in English:
Vaccines for Infants, Children, and Adolescents
Are Your Kids Ready? Minnesota K-12 immunization law (PDF)
Are Your Kids Ready? Child Care and Early Childhood Programs Immunization Law (PDF)
Travel and disease prevention
- Kahortag fiditaanka noocyada COVID-19 waqtiga safarka (PDF)
Prevent the spread of COVID-19 variants during travel - WAX WALBA UU KUUGU hagaagayo safarkaaga ma haysataa? (PDF)
Got everything for a smooth trip? - MA U DIYAAR GAROOWDAY IN AAD DHOOFTID? (PDF)
Cleared for takeoff?
- Ma safraysaa? Sidaas oo kale waxaa ah KOFID-19 iyo cudura kale. (PDF)
Traveling? So is COVID-19 and other diseases. - Immisa Ayay Ku KACAYSAA?!? (PDF)
It costs how much?
- Xaqiiqooyinka Duumada Dadka Safraya (PDF)
Malaria facts for travelers - Waxaan qorshaynayaa safar dibadda ah (PDF)
I am planning a trip overseas
For more information > I am planning a trip overseas. What should I do to protect my family? (PDF)
For more information > About Malaria
For more information > Guidance for Travelers: International Travel & Infectious Disease
Tuberculosis (TB)
- Cudurka TBda Firfircoon (PDF)
Active TB disease
For more information > Active TB Disease - Tej Kev Xyuam Xim ntawm Ntsws tom Tsev rau cov Neeg Mob uas Tej Zaum Muaj Tus Kab Mob Ntsws Qhuav (PDF)
Home respiratory precautions for patients with potentially infectious tuberculosis
For more information > Home Respiratory Precautions for Patients with Potentially Infectious Tuberculosis - Tilmaan-bixinta Ururinta Xaakada ee Cudurka Qaaxada (TB) (PDF)
Instruction for collecting sputum for TB (tuberculosis)
For more information > Instructions for Collecting Sputum for TB (Tuberculosis) - Baaritaanka Xiriirka TBda (PDF)
TB contact investigations
For more information > TB Contact Investigations - Baaritaanka Maqaarka ee Cudurka Qaaxada (Mantoux) (PDF)
The TB skin test (Mantoux)
For more information > The TB (Tuberculosis) Skin Test (Mantoux) - Daweynta Cudurka Tiibishada Qarsoon (Latent Tuberculosis) (TB) Rifampin (PDF)
Treatment of latent TB (tuberculosis) infection (LTBI)
For more information > Treatment for Latent TB Infection (LTBI) - Daweynta Tiibishada Qarsoon (Latent Tuberculosis) (TB) Cudurka Isoniazid iyo Rifapentine (INH-RPT) (PDF)
Treatment for latent tuberculosis (TB) infection isoniazid and rifapentine (INH-RPT)
For more information > Treatment for Latent Tuberculosis (TB) Infection Isoniazid and Rifapentine (INH-RPT) - Daweynta Jeermiska Cudurka Qaaxada (TB) ee Qarsoon (PDF)
Treatment for latent TB infection (LTBI)
For more information > Treatment for Latent TB Infection (LTBI) - Ka Fekir Qaaxada (PDF)
Think TB
For more information > TB Fact Sheets and Brochures by Language
- Waa Maxay Uumiga Aan la Rabin? (PDF)
What is vapor intrusion?
For more information > Vapor Instrusion
West Nile virus
- Cudurka Fayraska West Nile (PDF)
West Nile encephalitis fact sheet
For more information > About West Nile Virus
Western equine encephalitis
- Western Equine Encephalitis (PDF)
Western equine encephalitis fact sheet
For more information > About Western Equine Encephalitis
Xashiishada caafimaadka (medical cannabis)
Xashiishadda Caafimaadka
Medical Cannabis